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The coastal gas plants, which suck up billions of gallons of ocean water each day, are supposed to close in The utility also mentioned the need for massive investments in electric vehicle chargers and other grid infrastructure to support a transition from oil-based transportation to clean cars. The Environmental Defense Fund is one of a growing number of climate advocacy groups and state policymakers calling for California to begin taking steps to transition homes and businesses from gas-based heating and cooking to all-electric appliances.

The idea is to replace natural gas, a planet-warming fossil fuel, with electricity, which in California increasingly comes from climate-friendly energy sources. Seventeen cities and counties have passed building codes this year incentivizing or requiring electric appliances in new buildings. Those types of policies have faced pushback from SoCalGas , which argues that people should be able to choose how they power their homes and businesses, and that there are easier, cheaper ways to reduce climate pollution from natural gas than forcing consumers to replace their gas furnaces and stoves.

California ditched coal. Southern California Gas is engaged in a wide-ranging campaign to preserve the role of its pipelines in powering society. The California Restaurant Assn. That could help the state meet its climate policy goals, Colvin said. He previously reported for the Desert Sun in Palm Springs. He grew up in Westwood and would very much like to see the Dodgers win the World Series again.

California considers ranking heat waves after Times investigation into extreme heat deaths. Dozens of L. County communities face growing peril from fire, heat, flooding.

California has been a leading state for a long time for its utility-sector customer energy efficiency programs, which date back to the s and have grown and evolved substantially over three decades.

The state's programs and related energy efficiency policies have had a significant impact on per capita electricity use, which has remained essentially constant in California over the past 30 years—a period during which per capita electricity use has nearly doubled across the U.

Investor-owned utilities administer energy efficiency programs with oversight by the California Public Utilities Commission, which establishes key policies and guidelines, sets program goals, and approves spending levels. California's Energy Efficiency Plan sets targets for its four major electric and gas utilities. Smaller rate increases would go into effect in and ; the company said actual rate changes are hard to predict accurately because of variances in actual conditions.

That's partly because California utilities face higher costs from renewable energy and efficiency mandates, as well as generally higher labor costs. It's about time," Bakersfield resident Robert Campbell said. He argues that any blame for high rates should go to the utilities commission, the regulatory body responsible for approving rate increases for the state's investor-owned utilities. The president of the commission, Michael Peevey, denied any such bloating, but added, "I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder.

Utilities need to be financially strong, he said, in order to keep down their costs to borrow money for the work they do. But at least some of the new costs are probably justified, he said. Critics note that these costs take into account variables such as executive compensation.

Bottorff said these expenses are proposed in the context of industry averages and reviewed carefully by the commission. California's regulatory system is designed so that the company refunds this money, with interest; it collects interest if it underbills.

Here is the schedule going forward, according to the Division of Ratepayer Advocates:. That's expected to happen no later than Dec. More Coronavirus coverage. Login Subscribe.


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