Read other news articles for ideas on how to best accomplish this. Or, watch news stations or shows. See how a news anchor will wrap up a story and sign off, then try to emulate that. Part 3. Check facts before publishing. Having incorrect facts will immediately discredit your article and could hinder you as a writer. Be sure to double check all the facts in your news article before you submit it, including names, dates, and contact information or addresses.
Writing accurately is one of the best ways to establish yourself as a competent news article writer. Ensure you have followed your outline and have been consistent with style. There are several styles of news articles and journalism from objective reporting to Gonzo A style of journalism where the reporter describes the events in a subjective manner, usually through a first person narrative. Avoid any language that is overly positive or negative or statements that could be construed as support or criticism.
If your article is meant to be more in the style of interpretive journalism then check to make sure that you have given deep enough explanations of the larger story and offered multiple viewpoints throughout. Follow the AP Style for formatting and citing sources. Journalists, and therefore news articles follow AP Style for sources and citations in most cases.
When writing a news article, be sure to only include one space after a period, not two. Have your editor read your article. Even if you have gone through your story several times and think that everything is squared away, you should let another pair of eyes take a look at it. In addition to finding any spelling or grammatical errors, your editor will be able to help you trim down certain sections and simplify awkward sentences.
An extra pair of eyes can double check your facts and the information to ensure that what you have written is accurate. If you are writing a news article for school or your own personal website, then have a friend take a look at it and give you notes. But these should be listened to. Remember, with so many news articles getting published every minute you need to ensure that your widest possible audience can easily digest the information you have provided.
Not Helpful 44 Helpful It can vary in length, however I typically write sentences in the lead paragraph. Make sure you include a thesis and brief summary to guide the rest of your article. The lead paragraph should be a guide to the whole article.
Not Helpful 57 Helpful The main qualities of a good news writer is the ability to search out a news worthy event or idea that others may find interesting. They are clear, concise, and relate to their audience. Not Helpful 75 Helpful Yes, but think more about your audience, because it will differ from the real world. Not Helpful 70 Helpful Should the headline of the article have quotation marks and an exclamation mark?
Quotation marks only if you are actually quoting someone, and never exclamation marks. Not Helpful 50 Helpful Read a lot of articles and take down notes on their strength and weaknesses. Learn from them and find your own style.
Not Helpful 31 Helpful Well-written news articles on science topics should be able to explain scientific concepts clearly and understandably to the layperson. You can start by writing about a new study that was done and summarize its results. Get some opinions on the subject by conducting interviews with the people behind the study and other experts. Remember to explain any jargon or complex concepts. Not Helpful 66 Helpful I would say paragraphs.
But don't limit it to that if your article is not complete. Also, read articles, watch the news, and review your topic before writing. Not Helpful 60 Helpful Yes, it does, but you will have to think more about your audience. They may be more or less interested in certain topics. You will also have to consider any rules your school has about the kind of material that can be published. Not Helpful 53 Helpful How do I write an article to a newspaper on the benefits and misuse of mobile phones in our lives?
Write it the same way you would any other article. Compile your facts, craft a good lead, and support it with the information you gathered. You can also write a less formal letter to the editor to comment on social issues regarding mobile phones. Not Helpful 67 Helpful Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Asking these questions will help you create an outline and a narrative to your article. Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0. Interview people, and remember to be polite and honest about what you are writing.
Double check to make sure all of your information is accurate and cited properly. Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0. Get a friend to proofread your article, as some bits may only make sense to you. Remember that writing a news article is like a triangle, the most important details at the top beginning than add in all of the extra details. Make sure people will not interpret what you have written in a different way than intended.
Submit a Tip All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. Related wikiHows How to. How to. On the Internet, news articles get to the point. Newspaper writers are not to blame. These conventions are traditional, even mandatory. November 8 is just the day I happened to need an example for this column. And there it was. The 1,word report begins:.
Fewer than half the words in this opening sentence are devoted to saying what happened. Nor would you feel the need to inform your friend first thing that unnamed Democrats were bragging about what a big deal this is—an unsurprising development if ever there was one. It could be worse. If there was ever a moment to revolutionize health care, it would be the moment when legislation revolutionizing health care has just passed. But is this news? The quote is 11 words, while identifying Miller takes Meanwhile, Republicans oppose the bill.
Yes, they do. Quotes from outside experts or observers are also a rich source of unnecessary verbiage in newspaper articles. Another New York Times story from the November 8 front page provides a good example here. Executives were forced to take stock instead of cash, but then the stock went up, damn it. And the reporter clearly views the information it contains as falling somewhere between ironic and appalling, which seems about right.
A byline is the name of the author. Usually the writer gives the story a working title, sometimes called a "slug," which is also the name of the electronic file where the story is saved.
Editors create headlines for a story when doing the newspaper layout design for publication , as the headline has to fit the space allowed for it in the design. Newspaper articles have to be clearly written. All names have to be spelled correctly, all facts need to be checked and re-checked, and every quote needs to be verified with the source, too.
To write a better newspaper article, use WhiteSmoke English writing software. This English grammar software will check spelling, punctuation, and grammar. It will suggest strong words to improve your writing, including adjectives and adverbs.