How does anyone afford photoshop

Posted 25 May - PM. Yes, GIMP is an excellent program. It also shares many of Photoshop's shortcuts, which makes it easy to learn if you've used Photoshop. Community Forum Software by IP. Sign In Create Account. Javascript Disabled Detected You currently have javascript disabled.

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Can't afford Photoshop? Started by Allen B. For something so crucial to that portion of my career, I decided I can afford it. You need to reach your own decision. With the Adobe Creative Cloud Photography Plan, you get two first-in-class professional apps for ten dollars a month but there are cheaper alternatives you can use too.

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Best iPad Mini Cases. Best Gifts for Cutting the Cord. Best Bluetooth Speakers. Awesome PC Accessories. Best Linux Laptops. Best Gaming Monitors. It was really cheap too. I do have Photoshop CS from where I used to work. They upgraded us for home every time an update came out, but I don't work there any more so that's where I'm stuck. If you have anything to do with education or have kids in school who will use it at all, look into the Educational version.

How to justify Photoshop: Well, it's hard for the average Joe who just wants to play with pictures for the fun of it. However I justified it because it's the most powerful tool I have with which to earn money.

Thats also how I justify every upgrade. I even have to upgrade my QuarkXpress who charges much more for upgrades! If you plan on trying to earn money with photos, Photoshop is a must. The first time I bought any of the programs I use it was harder because it wasn't earning money yet. You gotta spend money to make money. Originally posted by smichener: if you know a student in college you might see if they can purchase it as a "gift" for you. Originally posted by Ristyz: If you plan on trying to earn money with photos, Photoshop is a must.

I'd be just as good ripping it off. You can get academic versions if you are a student, teacher, or even have a child in school. All you have to do is submit proof and you can get the discounted versions.

I go through these people but I'm sure there are others. If people can justify spending thousands of dollars on lenses they use every day, then why is it difficult to justify spending a few hundred dollars on a piece of software they're going to spend hours sitting in front of and which is such a critical part of their workflow? Not to gloat, but I'm pretty lucky cause my uncle works for Adobe and I think I got both lightroom and CS3 for under I would highly recommend looking into student version.

I have a few friends who have gotten photoshop this way. I hope you find a way, and please don't pirate it. I know it's expensive but it's also the same as someone stealing your photos Look at it this way; Photoshop or similar software is an essential tool for the digital photographer.


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